
学生事务使命宣言(修订版. Nov. 2012) 

The 学生事务处 is committed to providing services and creating a supportive campus environment which fosters engagement, academic success, and personal development within a diverse community of learners.


学生事务价值(1月创建. 2013)

Integrity; Diversity; Service; Excellence; Respect


  • Integrity
            “We model and practice the highest personal and professional standards, demonstrating ethical conduct in our work with all University community members.”

  • Diversity 
            “We are committed to supporting an equitable environment that respects and celebrates the diversity of people and thought.”

  • Service
             “We are dedicated to serving students in ways that contribute to their academic success, physical and psychological well-being, and personal development as responsible and 对社会有贡献的成员”

  • Excellence
             “We seek to provide high quality services and educational programs and are committed to continuous improvement achieved through systematic assessment, collaboration, innovation, 专业发展.”

  • Respect
             "We treat each individual with consideration, appreciation and courtesy.”


学生事务 Vision Statement (Created Jan. 2013)

“The 学生事务处 at the 十大彩票网投平台 will be a full 在教育过程中的伙伴.  As innovative practitioners, we will be leaders in student engagement, fostering dynamic and diverse communities that stimulate development and inspire 学生积极影响社会.”


学生事务 Strategic Goals (Revised 2013)

  • Increase student engagement in university activities by providing and promoting quality services and programs (Key Measure: NSSE and CAS Standards).

  • Provide a safe, supportive, and civil environment for all students (Key Measure: Graduating 高级测量师(NSSE).

  • Support and retain a diverse community of learners to enhance campus life and create opportunities to develop students as ethical and responsible leaders who make positive impacts in the community (Key Measure: campus climate survey, retention and graduation numbers, diversity of student organizations and members, focus groups, and benchmarking 与同行机构合作)

  • Provide quality and accessible facilities to address growing service and programmatic needs of the university (Key Measure: user surveys and CAS Standards).

  •  Create curricular connections to support and facilitate academic success (Key Measure: number of collaborative programs between academic and student affairs, number of student affairs staff members who are also teaching courses).  

  • Increase undergraduate student retention by creating a more inclusive and supportive environment that fosters a sense of connectedness to the University. (关键措施: 毕业率、留校率.