

Brought to you by 学生会 Association and 学生事务

设计 to prevent crime and enable better incident response, the LiveSafe technology includes an app for smartphone users that is connected to a cloud-based dashboard 由校园安全官员监控. 核心功能包括快速提示提交 via text with picture and video attachments (including the option to stay anonymous), live chat with safety officials, fast access to emergency phone numbers that initiate location tracking when called, and a peer-to-peer tool called SafeWalk that allows friends to watch out for each other through location 监控和群聊. 此外, app users can receive important broadcast notifications sent by University police. 

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LiveSafe is a free mobile app made available by the 十大彩票网投平台. 设计 to prevent crime and enable better incident response, the LiveSafe technology includes an app for smartphone users that is connected to a cloud-based dashboard. 这个指示板 is monitored by officials within the University 警察局.

核心功能包括快速提示提交 via text with picture and video attachments (including the option to stay anonymous), live chat with safety officials, fast access to emergency phone numbers that initiate location tracking when called, and a peer-to-peer tool called SafeWalk that allows friends to watch out for each other through location 监控和群聊. 此外,应用程序用户可以接收重要的广播 特定于校园的通知.

这么长时间 as users have the capacity to make voice calls, we encourage anyone in an 紧急情况要打911. 但是,如果用户无法直拨 due to situational or technical issues, or if they must be discrete, then LiveSafe 报告变得有利. 此外,当使用紧急按钮时 dial 9-1-1, dial campus police, or message campus police, location services are enabled 帮助急救人员找到你的位置.

If I download LiveSafe, can law enforcement see my location whenever they want?
No. Your location is only sent to USA police when you submit a tip (anonymous or not) or use one of the features within the Emergency button (Call 911, Call Campus Police, 或留言校园警察). When you submit a tip, your current location is only submitted 一旦和附加到提示,跟踪是不启用的. 然而,当你使用 the Emergency button, your location is tracked until you stop location tracking within 紧急按钮画面.

Why do I need to fill out a user profile after downloading LiveSafe?
Filling out the user profile will help law enforcement contact you if additional information 在你提交小费后还需要什么. 如果你按紧急按钮,他们就会 立即获得您的姓名和联系信息. 这在紧急情况下是必要的 situations if you lose connection with law enforcement or if your identity is needed 因为你陷入了困境.

Is the anonymous feature really anonymous if I have filled out my user profile or 如果我使用聊天功能?
是的,是这样的. If you check the “Send Anonymously” box when submitting a tip, your user 信息会在所有字段中显示为“匿名”. 即使美国警察使用 the Live Chat feature to obtain additional information, you will still appear as anonymous.

What happens when I click “Call 911” from the Emergency button?
When you click on the “Call 911” button from the Emergency screen, a confirmation 气泡将出现“呼叫”或“取消”选项. 这将有助于确保用户 如果不是紧急情况,不要不小心拨打911.

When I first download LiveSafe, why is the app asking to access my contacts?
The app will ask to access your contacts so you can easily add friends and family 成员到您的LiveSafe联系人列表. 此列表用于SafeWalk.

Do I need to enable location services for LiveSafe for it to work?
是的. In order for the location-dependent features to work – like SafeWalk, tip submittal, and location tracking during emergency calls and messages – LiveSafe needs to be able 访问您的位置. 当应用程序不使用时,您将不会被主动跟踪 当你使用不依赖于位置的特征时.

What if a tip I submit to USA police turns out to be a mistake?
Users will not be penalized for making claims that turn out to be untrue. 这么长时间 as reports aren’t purposefully and falsely claimed, people are encouraged to share 向警方提供信息.