Prospective 居民 and 研究员

所有美国GME项目都参与了国家住院医师匹配计划(NRMP), “比赛”). Further, we are committed to the "all in" policy, meaning that all our annual positions for residencies are filled through the NRMP. We do not hold positions outside the NRMP. Routine applications are accepted through the Electronic Residency Application Service (ERAS), sponsored by the AAMC.


▼   Eligibility Requirements

只有符合下列其中一项标准的申请人才可接受培训 in GME 程序s sponsored by 美国健康:

1. 申请人必须以下列其中一种方式完成医学教育:

  • 经联络机构认可的美国和加拿大医学院毕业生 Committee on Medical Education (LCME)
  • 美国骨科医学学院的毕业生由美国医学协会认证 美国骨科协会骨科学院认证委员会
  • 美国和加拿大以外的医学院毕业生,符合以下条件之一 the following qualifications:
    1. 是否有国外教育委员会颁发的有效证书 Medical Graduates (ECFMG) prior to appointment
    2. 在美国的许可管辖范围内拥有完整且不受限制的行医执照 in which they are training
    3. 已完成由lcme认可的医学院提供的第五途径课程

2. 所有申请人必须满足住院医师培训的先决条件 由相关的认证委员会及/或认证委员会所设立 the specialty or subspecialty.

3. Additional eligibility 需求 may apply in some GME 项目. 参考 program of interest for these details under "Prerequisite Training."

▼   Prerequisite Training

我们的诊断放射住院医师和所有的研究员都需要事先的培训 项目. 联系 the individual 项目 to inquire about their program specific 需求.

美国神经病学住院医师计划已过渡到分类地位,并已 incorporated the prerequisite training into its curriculum.

▼   Foreign Nationals

The entry of foreign nationals to 美国nited States is governed by 美国.S. 移民 and Nationality Act, which 是一个dministered by 美国.S. Citizenship and 移民 服务与U.S. Department of Labor. All offers of employment must be contingent 外国人能否获得适当的工作许可 美国.S., which then shall be provided to 美国健康 as part of the pre-employment 过程. Failure to complete this 过程 before or on the first day of employment 是一个 违反 U.S. 并将导致终止提供的就业.

唯一的移民身份为外籍人士申请居留权/奖学金 在我们机构培训的学生是美国合法永久居民或J-1 签证状态.

▼   International Medical Graduates

国际医学毕业生必须持有当前有效的标准证书 the Educational Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates (ECFMG). An applicant who 美国和加拿大以外的医学院的毕业生必须符合吗 of the following three qualifications:

  1. 申请人必须持有教育局签发的有效证书 Commission for Foreign Medical Graduates prior to appointment,
  2. 申请人必须有一个完整的和不受限制的行医执照 USA licensing jurisdiction in which they are training, or
  3. 申请人必须完成由lcme认证的院校提供的第五衔接课程 医学院.
▼   Terms and Conditions of Appointment

Resident Eligibility and Selection

美国卫生部确保其培训计划从符合条件的申请人中进行选择 根据他们的准备,能力,资质,学历,沟通 skills, and personal qualities such as motivation and integrity. 程序s do not discriminate 十大彩票网投平台性别、种族、年龄、宗教、肤色、国籍、残疾或任何 other applicable legally protected status. Resident selection criteria must conform 遵从研究生医学教育评审委员会(认可委员会)的指引 General Requirements.

Clinical and Educational Work Hours

美国卫生部确保政策和程序确保ACGME的具体政策 有关临床和教育工作时间的成功实施和监测. These policies are summarized, but not limited to, the following:

  • Work no more than 80 hours per week (7 days) when averaged over 4 weeks
  • Have 1 day (24 hours) in 7 free of program duties when averaged over 4 weeks
  • PGY II及以上的连续内部工作限制为24小时,最多4小时 hours for transition as described in the ACGME 需求
  • Have at least 8 hours between all daily duty periods

License Exams and Alabama Medical License (Limited and Unrestricted)

所有住院医师和研究员都必须成功完成USMLE第2步(CS) 及CK)或complex Part 2 (CE及PE)考试,以及格为证明 该考试的成绩,完成后的第三个月进入一个 GME training program at 美国健康. All residents are required to successfully complete USMLE第3步考试或complex第3部分考试,以获得证明 在完成研究生课程的第六个月后,通过该考试的成绩 year two (PGY2).

在美国健康中心尚未参加GME项目的住院医师和研究员 阿拉巴马州的医疗执照,没有资格获得完整或无限制的阿拉巴马州 行医执照必须先申请有限的阿拉巴马执照 完成研究生培训开始后的第六个月(PGY-1). 例如,7月1日开始培训的住院医生必须有他们的申请 在12月的最后一个星期四之前申请了有限的阿拉巴马州医疗执照 阿拉巴马州医学检验委员会于1月第三个星期二举行会议 十大彩票网投平台执照的最终决定将在阿拉巴马州的会议上做出 Licensing Commission on the 4th Wednesday in January. Once obtained, residents must 保持当前的有限执照,直到他们有资格获得和 获得不受限制的(或完整的)阿拉巴马州医疗执照,或者完成他们的培训 program, whichever comes first.

The sponsoring institution reimburses residents for their licensure fees. 

▼   Information and Resources