

Pollinator Week was first designated as a national holiday in 2007 后 the U.S. Senate acknowledged an increased need to recognize issues surrounding the declining 传粉者数量.  此后,联邦政府与一些组织合作 like the Pollinator Partnership to grow this week of awareness into a worldwide event. 

Pollinator Week 2024 is a celebration of the vital role that pollinators play in our 生态系统、经济和农业. 在“愿景2040:繁荣”这一鼓舞人心的主题下 生态系统、经济和农业," this year's event urges us to envision a 未来传粉者不仅能生存,而且能茁壮成长.  这些必不可少的生物, including bees, butterflies, moths, bats, beetles, and hummingbirds, are the unsung heroes behind the food we enjoy and the beauty that surrounds us.

- 传粉者伙伴关系

Feel free to browse some of our department’s resources and commemorative display as 我们庆祝2024年传粉者周!  来看看目前正在做什么来解决 这个日益严重的问题,还有什么 我也能帮忙吗. 展览在马克思图书馆2楼 还有一份附带的讲义和7页的参考书目 “传粉者与我们的生态系统” 了解更多信息. 


快乐骄傲月! ——LGBTQ+在美国的历史

The fight for LGBTQ+ rights in the United States has been decades long, and while that fight is still happening today on many levels, there are also a lot of wins to 也要承认.  骄傲月是一年一度的身份和社区庆祝活动 这是一个充满行动主义和勇气的历史. 

While there were certainly many precursor moments, many view the 1969 Stonewall Riots as the impetus for the Gay Liberation Movement in the United States, a movement that arose to create a more equal and just society for everyone, no matter their sexuality 或者性别认同.  On June 28, 1970, only a year 后 the first Stonewall demonstrations, the first pride parade took place during the Christopher Street Liberation Day celebration.  Hundreds of queer Americans took to the streets to commemorate those who had fought 为了他们的社区.  虽然骄傲月在过去的几年里有所发展 followed, it will always remain a time to honor those who have come before and continue 后.

We invite 你 now to browse some of our department’s LGBTQ+ resources and our commemorative 在我们庆祝2024年骄傲月时展示!  展品可以在马克思图书馆找到 在2楼南侧,拿着小册子和 6-page参考书目 了解更多信息.


Under the Category "Who Says the 联邦 Government Doesn't have a Sense of Humor"

NASA's Laser Communications Experiment Streamed from Deep Space (NAS 1.2:L 33/2)

"This 15-second ultra-high-definition video featuring a cat named Taters was streamed NASA于12月11日从深空发射激光. 11, 2023. 这是技术的一部分 demonstration known as Deep Space Optical Communications (DSOC), which is attached to the Psyche spacecraft traveling to the asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter. Graphics superimposed over the orange tabby cat illustrate several features from the tech demo, such as Psyche's orbital path and technical information about the laser."


十大彩票网投平台 ——最近来自联合国的一些报道 国会研究处:

《十大彩票平台官网》与美国大选.S. 最高法院  (5/31/24)

美国隐私权法案  (5/31/24)

Restrictions on the Use of Journalists for Intelligence Purposes  (5/30/24)

防御入门:诺曼底登陆80周年纪念,1944年6月6日  (5/29/24)

Israel and Hamas: Possible International Criminal Court (ICC) Arrest Warrants  (5/23/24)

抖音和中国的数字平台:国会的议题  (5/22/24)

国家河口规划(NEP)概述   (5/20/24)

恐怖分子观察名单  (5/20/24)

抖音:国会常见问题和议题  (5/14/24)

U.S. 对以色列军售的审查:国会议题  (5/14/24)

第118届国会成员简介  (5/10/24)

Regulation of TikTok Under the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled 《十大彩票网投平台》:若干法律问题分析  (5/9/24)

移民:不准入境的理由  (5/7/24)

选举日:常见问题   (5/2/24)

大麻的联邦地位和与各州的政策差距  (5/2/24)

重新安排大麻的法律后果  (5/1/24)

Repatriation of Native American Remains and Cultural Items: Requirements for Agencies 和机构  (5/1/24)

美国现状.S. 经济:第118届国会的政策问题  (4/30/24)

联邦 Role in Voter Registration: The National Voter Registration Act of 1993 (NVRA) 及其后的发展  (4/29/24)

Global Human Rights: The Department of State’s Country Reports on Human Rights Practices  (4/25/24)

Regulation of Commercial Human Spaceflight Safety: 概述 and Issues for Congress   (4/25/24)

The Change 健康care Cyberattack and Response Considerations for Policymakers  (4/24/24)

Race-Conscious 招生 and Equal Protection in Higher 教育   (4/19/24)

Disqualification of a Candidate for the Presidency, Part II: Examining Section 3 of 第十四修正案适用于投票  (4/4/24)

美国印第安人,阿拉斯加原住民和部落人口数据  (4/2/24)