

 Computing Master’s Degree for Non-专业 – No Background Required

Computing is one of the fastest growing industries in the United States with the demand for qualified computing professionals remaining high.  计算机行业总体就业情况 and information technology occupations is projected to grow 15 percent from 2021 to 2031, much faster than the average for all occupations; this increase is expected to result in about 682,800 new jobs over the decade[1].  

Computing is an attractive field for everyone.  有不同教育背景的人 professional backgrounds are enrolling in graduate computing 项目.  即使有 no background 在计算, earning a Master’s degree (as opposed to a second undergraduate degree) can prepare you for jobs that are often more interesting, command higher salaries, and usually offer a better career advancement path. 时间和成本承诺 相当于第二本科学位.

The 计算机学院 Master’s program provides students the opportunity to select 在专业之间 计算机科学, 网络安全, 信息系统.  The MS degrees In Computer and Information Sciences degree program prepares students for careers in a variety of computing fields including:

  • 计算机科学: Robotics, Programmer, Game Developer, Software Engineer, Informatics Security Professional, 动画师
  • 网络安全: Information Security Analyst, Computer Systems Analyst, 数字取证 Analyst
  • 资讯系统:  软件开发人员

The MS program in the 计算机学院 does not require applicants to have a background 在计算.  Pre-requisite 课程 are used to provide the knowledge required to 在我们的项目中取得成功.  

学生申请专业 信息系统 软件专业学位课程 are not required to take any prerequisite 课程. The necessary material is built into the coursework for this program.

Requirements for Applicants with non-Computing Undergraduate Degrees:

应用 for Admission into Master’s of Science Program

学生 select between applying for the 计算机学院 计算机科学, 网络安全 或者和 信息系统 项目.  

  • Requires GRE Scores (General Exam, with writing section)
  • Official Transcripts from all Higher Education Institutions
  • 书面目的声明
  • 国际学生 are required to take TOEFL or IELTS exams 


  • CSC 120 – Problem Solving and Programming Concepts
  • CSC 231 – Introduction to Data Structures and Algorithms
  • CSC 332 – Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
  • CSC 311 -网络和通信
  • CSC 322 -操作系统
  • CSC 333 -程序设计语言和理论
  • MA 125 -微积分I
  • MA 126 – Calculus II or MA 267 – Discrete Mathematical Structures


  • CIS 115 -初级编程
  • it285 -中间编程
  • CIS 321 -数据通信和网络
  • ITE 272 -系统架构


  • 无必备条件

The prerequisite 课程 are required for most students who do not have a formal computing background. However, every applicant is different and has different skills, so it may be possible and appropriate in some cases to modify these requirements.

学位要求 – The 计算机科学 and 网络安全 program requires thirty-six (36) graduate credit hours, including required 课程 and concentration areas. 的信息 Systems program requires thirty (30) graduate credit hours, including core and required 课程.

For more information, or if you have questions, please contact:

      Dr. 研究生部主任黛布拉·查普曼

      电子邮件: dchapman@hzjly.net

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