
Explore this page for current scholarship offers and links to scholarship services.  Students should apply for University scholarships at http://www.south阿拉巴马州.edu/departments/financialaffairs /奖学金/.


▼   美国空军DNP奖学金

The Air Force Health Profession 学者hip Program (HPSP) can help you finish your Doctorate and achieve your goals without financial worries. 有关信息,请参阅这个传单.


▼   美国海军护士候选人计划

The Navy is currently accepting application for the "Navy Nurse Candidate Program 学者hip" for students starting Fall and Spring of this year.



This is a searchable scholarship database created specifically for nursing students. The scholarships listed here are provided by nursing associations, educational institutions, foundations, for-profit/non-profit organizations, etc. These are relatively non-competitive scholarships compared to general/non-major specific scholarships. 一些奖学金 give preference to minority, veteran and disabled students. 如果你属于这样的人 groups, you have a good chance of securing fund for your education from this list. 祝你好运!


▼   Nursing Educational Funds, Inc. 

护士教育基金公司. (NEF) is a not-for-profit organization which seeks and distributes funds to baccalaureate prepared registered nurses who are in need of nursing scholarship assistance for graduate 研究. NEF is administered by a 董事会 comprised of prominent leaders in nursing, business, and other professions. Nurses comprise the majority of board 成员.

▼   Nursing 学者hip and Loan Repayment Resources

In today’s day and age many people are not in a position where they can afford a degree, and many young people find that the degree they have chosen does not lead to a job. This is not the case for those who wish to become Nurses.

Indian Health Service (IHS) has a scholarship and a loan repayment program:

学者hip - There is an assigned scholarship coordinator for each region. 他们的 contact information can be found on this website: http://www.ihs.gov /Scholarships/索引.cfm?

偿还贷款计划- http://www.ihs.gov/loanrepayment

Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA), another federal agency, also has scholarship and loan repayment opportunities: http://bhw.hrsa.gov/loansscholarships/

Alabama Indian Affairs Commission
771 S. 劳伦斯街106室
(334) 242-2831 Fax (334) 240-3408