
Posted on November 10, 2022

University of 南 Alabama students, 从左, Shubhangi辛格, Nicholas Flynn和Destinie Diggs最近在第24届年度大学生研究研讨会上展示了他们的研究. 辛格获得了Phi Kappa Phi荣誉协会颁发的最佳海报奖. data-lightbox='featured'
十大彩票网投平台的学生,左起,舒邦吉·辛格,尼古拉斯·弗林和 德斯特妮·迪格斯最近在第24届本科生年度会议上展示了他们的研究 研究研讨会. 辛格获得了Phi Kappa Phi荣誉协会颁发的最佳海报奖.

十大彩票网投平台(University of 南 Alabama)大二学生舒邦吉·辛格(Shubhangi辛格)开玩笑说,她有过这样的经历 a love/hate relationship with medical research.

“这可能令人沮丧,我想任何研究人员都会告诉你,”她说. “It almost never goes the way you planned.”


辛格在第24届年度Phi Kappa Phi荣誉协会获得了最佳海报奖 Undergraduate 研究研讨会 in October. 她在十大彩票网投平台的专业是 国际研究重点是全球健康,辅修生物医学科学. 她的研究 项目是十大彩票网投平台吸烟和不吸烟之间肿瘤血管密度的差异 癌症患者.

When Singh began her project with 冲浪, a Summer Undergraduate 研究 Fellowship她遇到了路障,花了几个星期的时间试图收集足够的样本 开始.

“I was pretty upset, but I talked with my mentor, Dr. Santanu Dasgupta, and I had 实验室里一群支持我的人真的帮了我大忙。”她说. 所以继续前进吧,这可能就是这个故事的寓意.”

70多名南方学生继续前进,做研究,制作海报展示 for the Undergraduate 研究研讨会. Danielle Flores, a chemical engineering student, also received an award for her research. She studied the quantification of 西方饮食和体育活动对果蝇模拟心脏的影响 edge-detection software.

做口头报告的包括研究钙信号的约瑟芬·雅克 以及凯蒂·韦斯特,她研究了细条纹寄居蟹 and the impact of rising sea temperatures.

Big Data and Bit Truncation


来自路易斯安那州梅泰尔的大三学生尼古拉斯·弗林(Nicholas Flynn)做了一个十大彩票网投平台转化大数据的项目 从社交媒体营销到更小的有用信息. 他的专业 in information technology, but did his research with professors from the Mitchell College of Business.

“I was recruited,” he said, laughing. “They were looking for someone with a bit of 一个计算背景为项目做数据抓取. 我本来会的 在莫比尔度过了一个夏天,在校友中心工作,所以我觉得挺不错的 冲浪.”

弗林的计算机专业是数字取证和网络,但他认为 the business project offered valuable experience.

“It’s a good foot in the door for research,” he said. “A good start to doing real-world 应用程序.”


Destinie Diggs, a sophomore from Daphne, Alabama, did a 计算机工程 海报. 她的项目是十大彩票网投平台让移动视频系统更节能的设计 by using video bit truncation based on ambient luminance. The idea, basically, is 通过降低明亮环境下的视频质量来降低功耗,当 people can’t see the difference on their devices.

“这听起来有点复杂,”迪格斯在本科生研究会上对听众说 Symposium, “but it’s really pretty simple.”

在高中时,这位19岁的年轻人做过十大彩票网投平台无人机和机器人的科学项目. 之前 她甚至开始了在十大彩票网投平台的大一学习,她开始和Dr. Na Gong, Warren 尼科尔森电气和计算机工程教授,他的研究得到了全国的认可 研究人工智能,电路设计和节能系统.

“Very daunting,” Diggs said. “Definitely a big jump from doing projects in my garage to working in a real lab. I learned a lot, I will say that.”


辛格在莫比尔长大,并参加了国际文凭课程 在墨菲高中. 她的父母,博士. Ajay Singh和Dr. Seema Singh, are prominent 研究人员在 美国健康 Mitchell Cancer Institute.

They’ve supported her academic career in all its forms. In high school, Singh thought 在决定学习国际课程之前,我想成为一名律师或工程师.

在南, Singh is part of the 南方人 program of student ambassadors for the University. She’s a member of the 荣誉学院, where she’s doing a senior thesis. And she’s enrolled in the Early Acceptance Program for students interested in attending the 弗雷德里克·P. Whiddon College of Medicine.


Singh plans to do more projects at 南. At the Undergraduate 研究 Seminar, someone 建议在她对吸烟者和非吸烟者的研究中增加一个类别——前吸烟者.  

“That’s something I might do,” she said. “But there are a lot of ideas I have right 现在.”



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