
Simulated Conditions, Real Results: 南's Health Simulation 建筑 Opens


Will Rayner, a professional health sciences major from Hoover, Ala.,实践 one of the high-tech patient simulators in the new, 39,000平方英尺的健康模拟大楼. The facility is used by 南's 护理, allied health 和 medical students.  data-lightbox =“特色”
Will Rayner, a professional health sciences major from Hoover, Ala.,实践 one of the high-tech patient simulators in the new, 39,000-square-foot Health Simulation 建筑. The facility is used by 南's 护理, allied health 和 medical students.

What started out as a small closet at the 十大彩票网投平台 grew to a 6,000-square-foot 现在已经扩展到一个39000平方英尺的建筑. 就在这栋楼里 美国大学的学生和教师在哪里 护理, 联合医疗专业医学, along with 美国健康 healthcare professionals, will now come for clinical training at the new 十大彩票网投平台 Health Simulation 建筑.

The new high-tech equipment 和 computerized human-like simulators will help students have a real healthcare experience, with faculty 和 staff leading the instruction. The computer-controlled simulators are used to create customized scenarios, which 模拟真实病人情况. 所有教室都配有50英寸的电视机 monitors for instruction 和 walls of glass to create a tranquil learning environment. 教室的大小可以根据墙壁请愿的需要而改变.

“The new facility is state-of-the-art 和 it allows the students 和 healthcare professionals the opportunity to train in a low-stress 和 high-learning environment,” said Dr. 迈克·雅各布斯,美国大学教授兼主任 模拟程序. “The new Health Simulation 建筑 will give students a variety of situations in 安全的环境. 我们希望他们培养批判性思维和决策能力 skills required in the different healthcare academic disciplines. 有些人 simulators come with features such as the ability to talk 和 breathe. 他们也有 heart 和 lung sounds 和 pulses throughout the body 和 so much more.”

The new building has multiple skills labs 和 classrooms, plus observation spaces 配有高科技多媒体系统. 教师将能够查看程序视频 并给学生反馈.

Will Rayner, a professional health sciences major from Hoover, Ala.令我兴奋的是 新的健康模拟大楼. 他希望在2021年从美国毕业并入学 in 南’s physician assistant studies program, mainly because of the University’s 模拟程序.

“I am so excited about this new building 和 how it will help me 和 other students grow 和 be prepared as healthcare professionals,” Rayner said. “这是一个独特的机会 to bridge from learning what we read in a book to a real-world healthcare experience. In this building, where we can work with the simulators, we can make mistakes 和 向他们学习,成为未来更好的医疗保健提供者. 熟能生巧.”

雷纳下个月将开始他的诊所. “我很高兴能参加 将于今年3月在秘鲁进行海外医学学习. 我将参加a 医疗管理方面的海外学习实习. 我将为女性服务 儿童患者. My experience through the 模拟程序 has inspired me to 海外服务.”

Jacobs’ first experience with simulators was when he was serving his country as a 海洋. 从那时起,他成为美国护理学副教授. 他参加了 a conference 和 learned about the new simulator technology for healthcare, 和 was able to convince USA administration to allow him to start the program at 南 in 2008.

“我从一个10乘12的壁橱里开始,用两个模拟器,”他说. “现在,我们有更多 than 70 simulators 和 beds at the USA 和 Baldwin County campuses. 我是个大病人 提倡. Patient outcomes are important, 和 as a self-sustaining program, we will be able to provide our students 和 healthcare professionals with an outst和ing learning environment that has the technology needed to assist future 和 current healthcare 供应商.”

新楼的公众参观将于下午3点举行.m.3月5日,星期四 下午二时举行落成典礼及剪彩仪式.m.3月6日,星期五.

韩国39,000平方英尺的模拟大楼, 毗邻健康科学大楼, is designed for clinical training using computerized patient simulators.  韩国39,000平方英尺的健康模拟大楼, adjacent to the Health Sciences 建筑, is designed for clinical training using computerized patient simulators.




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