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Policy No: 2059
Responsible Office: Sponsored Projects Administration
Last Review Date: 04/12/2022
Next Required Review: 04/12/2024
Policy No: 2059
Responsible Office: Sponsored Projects Administration
Last Review Date: 04/12/2022
Next Required Review: 04/12/2024

Principal Investigator

1. Purpose

赞助项目以十大彩票网投平台的名义颁发. 首席研究员(PI)是对资助项目的实施负有主要责任的个人. PI在法律上对美国和赞助机构负责,确保项目的正确执行和赞助资金的适当支出.

2. Applicability

This policy applies to Academic Affairs, Research and Economic Development and Medical Affairs, 除了负责指派以十大彩票网投平台(美国)名义提交的提案和其他外部资助项目中指定的提案的主要研究人员的任何其他部门之外. 该政策适用于美国是直接获奖者和美国是合作/分获奖者的情况. 该政策还包括需要授权官方批准和/或通过赞助系统提交的预提案.

3. Definitions

Business Day: Normal operation hours for the USA and SPA, which exclude holidays, weekend days, or emergency closing. For purposes of this policy, 一个工作日将是在保荐人截止日期之前的整整一个工作日.

Business elements: Segments of a proposal including but not limited to budget, budget justification, cost share commitment, identification of required resources, biosketches, supporting documents for subrecipients, compliance documents, and FCOI documents.

Grant Administrator: The individual, usually resident within a unit, 谁对提案及其内部业务流程负有联系责任.

Proposal: 为提交给外部机构考虑资金问题而准备的文件.

PI (Principal Investigator): 负责整个项目绩效的美国个人, including sponsored activity, financial oversight and compliance with sponsor and USA policies.

Sponsor: A federal agency, private entity, non-profit organization, 为所支持的活动提供资金或其他支持的机构或其他外部实体.

Submission: SPA正式将提案转交给外部资助机构的行动.

Unit: 系,学院或其他认可的美国地区,从提案的起源.

4. Policy Guidelines

赞助项目的PI角色只能由符合条件的美国教师获得, administration, or staff with primary responsibility for design, execution, and management of the project, who will be involved in the project in a significant manner, and who meet the conditions detailed within this policy.

5. Procedures

5.1  希望服务的个人必须符合发起人指定的任何PI资格要求. Tenured faculty, tenure-track faculty, 非终身教职人员(包括研究人员)有资格担任赞助项目的PI. 授权官员在批准美国Cayuse系统中的提案时确认PI的资格.

5.2  A non-USA employee (e.g., student, postdoctoral appointee, adjunct or visiting faculty), or temporary employee is ineligible to serve as PI. However, 担保人的项目指导方针可能鼓励或允许非美国雇员和临时雇员申请作为指定项目的PI. 在这种情况下,担保人的申请表将注明非美国或临时雇员作为PI,并列出符合PI条件的美国雇员作为调查员. For internal USA purposes, 合格的美国PI将在Cayuse显示为PI,并负责监督非美国或临时雇员调查员的项目活动.

5.3  如果在赞助项目上有合作,并且PI的指定是一个问题, 主席/院长将对PI的选择/指定负有主要责任. For SPA’s purposes, 部门主席和学院院长十大彩票网投平台谁将担任PI的同意,通过电子批准与通过美国的Cayuse系统路由的提案相关的角色来记录.

5.4  美国员工或行政员工(没有教员任命的员工)可以作为赞助项目的PI,前提是该员工满足与教员相同的要求并获得相同的同意. Depending upon the employee’s status within the specific USA unit, 担任PI必须得到员工的直接主管(系主任或同等职位)和单位/部门主管(院长或同等职位)的同意.) Additionally, 研究和经济发展副总裁的批准是必需的,并且应该在任何提案提交截止日期之前获得批准.

5.5  For clinical trials, the PI is generally an MD. If the PI is not an MD, 经医学院院长批准,可担任院长, Nursing or Allied Health or Director of Mitchell Cancer Institute, as appropriate.

5.6  从美国退休后希望继续研究的教师,如果得到主席和院长的批准,可以在资助项目的整个生命周期内继续担任PI. PI的指定将与雇佣无关,并将在奖励期限结束时终止.

5.7  美国研究生和本科生不允许担任PI的角色,因为他们不受与教职员工相同的责任. However, 某些赞助商和项目将学生视为PI,并将在提交资金考虑的赞助商表格上列出他们的名字. Under these circumstances, 记录PI将被认可为同意监督并负责该项目的教员.

5.8  如果正式的聘任书已经签署并被美国接受,并且得到学院院长的批准,新聘用的教职员工在抵达校园之前就可以担任PI. 建议项目的开始日期必须与委任书一致.

6. Enforcement


Policy Oversight: Vice President for Office of Research and Economic Development.

Policy Enforcement: Executive Director, Sponsored Projects Administration.

7. Related Documents
