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Policy No: 2012
Responsible Office: Center for Educational Accessibility and Disability Resources
Last Review Date: 07/05/2022
Next Required Review: 07/05/2027
Policy No: 2012
Responsible Office: Center for Educational Accessibility and Disability Resources
Last Review Date: 07/05/2022
Next Required Review: 07/05/2027

Medical Withdrawal

1. Purpose

医学退学是为那些身体或心理状况使他们无法在某一学期顺利完成学业的学生设计的. A Medical Withdrawal allows a student to withdraw at any time during the semester, even after the official deadline to drop from courses.

2. Applicability

This policy applies to graduate (except for medical students in the College of Medicine) and undergraduate students; also, to faculty whose classes include these students.

3. Definitions

Accommodations: are described as any academic modifications, adjustments, auxiliary aids, 和/或为残疾学生提供平等机会从教育过程中受益的服务.

Healthcare Provider: 是否被描述为任何有执照和适当资格来诊断和治疗确定的身体或心理状况的专业人员.

Incapacity: 被描述为身体或精神上无法做某事或管理某人的事务.

Medical Condition: 是指妨碍学生在某一学期顺利完成学业的身体或心理状况.

4. Policy Guidelines

4.1  医疗休学影响学生在某一学期注册的所有课程. 除非得到教务长的授权,否则学生将无法要求个别课程的医疗退学. 如果一门课程是在一个学期的一部分时间内开设的,而其他课程是在该学期的不同时间开设的,则可以例外. For example, if a student becomes ill while taking a course during the Maymester, 医疗退学只会影响所有学期的课程,而不会影响暑期学期其他学期的课程.

4.2  尽管一般来说,医疗休学申请应在学期结束前提出, 如果学生能证明他/她的健康状况使他/她在该学期无法申请医疗休学, a medical withdrawal may be retroactively applied. 申请追溯性休学的时限为学期结束后六个月.

4.3  Once the Medical Withdrawal is approved, 教务长办公室将通知学生,并将学生主修课程的副本交给教务长和学院院长.

5. Procedures

5.1  The request for a Medical Withdrawal and all supporting information must be submitted to:

Director for the Center for Educational Accessibility and Disability Resources
320 Student Center Circle
Educational Services Building, Suite 19 
Mobile, AL 36688-0002
P: (251) 460-7212
F: (251) 414-8176

5.2  教育无障碍和残疾资源中心主任将确定学生是否有资格获得医疗退出,并将请求转发给负责学术事务的助理副校长进行最终批准. 学生可以向教务长和学术事务高级副校长提出拒绝医疗退出请求的上诉. The decision of the Provost and Senior Vice President for Academic Affairs will be final.

5.3  If the medical condition is chronic/permanent, 学生将被鼓励在教育无障碍和残疾资源中心注册.

5.4  学生将不能因相同的医疗状况而接受重复的医疗停药,除非这种疾病与不可预测的恶化有关,可能会干扰学生的学习成绩.

5.5  A student requesting a Medical Withdrawal must provide the following documentation:

5.5.一封由学生JagMail账户发出的签名信件或电子邮件,要求在特定学期进行医疗退出. The request letter must include the following information:

      • Student’s Jag# and current contact information;
      • Description of how the medical condition interfered with academic performance;
      • Dates when the medical condition began;
      • The last date of academic attendance and/or submission of assignments, as well as any other pertinent information. 


5.5.3  A letter from a licensed healthcare provider, on their letterhead paper, signed by the provider, recommending that the student be granted a medical withdrawal for a specific semester.  The letter needs to include the dates of onset/duration of the medical condition, and also indicate that the severity was such that it prevented attendance, participation, and/or performance for the semester in question.  In order to protect the privacy of the student, there is no need to include specific symptoms or diagnoses.  If the medical condition may lead or has led to a disability, 健康专业人员应该提供详细信息,说明学生一旦能够返回学校可能需要什么类型的支持/住宿.

5.5.4  An authorization for release of academic medical information, signed by the student, will be required in case there is a need to contact the health provider.

5.6  提交虚假的医疗借口将被视为二级学术不端行为.

5.7  Before returning to the university, 学生需要向教育无障碍和残疾资源中心提供医疗保健提供者的一封信,说明他/她已准备好恢复学业. In instances when a student is enrolled in a clinical program, 这封信的副本也必须转发给项目协调员或系主任. Any request for accommodations will be considered at this time. 学生必须与专业指导老师沟通,选择合适的课程. The time frame for reenrolling may depend on course availability.

5.8  Financial Implications:

5.6.1 .因病退学费按照学校退学费报销政策办理. Thus, 如果在学术日历中列出的截止日期之前提出请求,接受医疗退出的学生可能有资格获得100%或50%的退款. However, in accordance with Federal guidelines, 完全退出该机构将需要一部分联邦财政援助赠款或贷款资金, except for Federal Work-Study earnings, 将根据学生的最后一次出勤日期返回适用的联邦课程.

5.6.2  If a federal aid recipient completely withdraws from school after beginning attendance, 学生获得的联邦援助金额必须根据学生在给定学期中上学的天数来确定. If the amount disbursed to the student is greater than the amount the student earned, 未获得的联邦援助资金必须归还,学生可能欠大学的余额.

6. Enforcement

大学的教育无障碍和残疾资源中心(学生事务部)负责这项政策, 并确保十大彩票网投平台社区的必要成员意识到这一点. 不遵守本政策将由教育无障碍和残疾资源中心处理.

7. Related Documents

Not Applicable.