Policy No: 2050
Last Review Date: 04/03/2023
Next Required Review: 04/03/2028
Policy No: 2050
Last Review Date: 04/03/2023
Next Required Review: 04/03/2028


1. Purpose

此策略描述了正确生成的推荐程序, handling, 以及处理纳米粒子和其他纳米物体. 纳米粒子不一定是新材料. 有些方法已经广为人知并使用了很多年,例如.g. ultrafine TiO2 and “carbon black”. 即使是这些“遗留”的纳米颗粒也会带来危险.g. respiratory hazards. More recently produced nanoparticles such as aerosols have respiratory and cardiovascular effects, 焊接和柴油烟雾可能致癌.

2. Applicability

这些程序由教务处执行, USA Health and Medical Affairs Divisions as well as any person who works with nanoparticles.

3. Definitions

Nano-object: ISO对纳米物体的定义是任何具有纳米物体的材料, two, 或者三个外部尺寸在1nm到100nm之间. 纳米物体经常被合并到一个更大的矩阵中.

Nanoparticle: 一种特殊类型的纳米物体,所有三个外部维度都在纳米尺度上.

Ultrafine particles: Nanometer-diameter particles that have not been intentionally produced but are the incidental products of processes. Incidental or ultrafine particles exist naturally and although they are often produced only in small quantities they may also pose a significant risk.

4. Policy Guidelines

4.1  Typical hazards

The underlying hazard is determined by the chemical properties of the material(s) concerned, including any impurities. However, generally, nanoparticles can be more hazardous than the same material in larger particulate form because of the significantly increased reaction surface area. E.g., a flammable material (or even a material such as aluminum normally regarded as non-flammable) can be explosive in nanoparticle form. In addition, even if the basic material is inert or benign, there can be human irritation problems. 干粉通常构成更大的威胁(需要更多的关注和控制), 如外壳)比液体悬浮液, though sonication outside of containment equipment can increase airborne nanoparticle dispersion. Nanoparticles embedded into solids often pose little threat unless they are cut or machined to release some nanoparticles. Waste containers may pose unexpected threats as previously wet wipes can dry out and release captured nanoparticles. 可能通过吸入接触, skin contact, ingestion, or combinations thereof, 虽然在许多情况下吸入可能是主要的风险. Properties such as size, shape, functionalization, surface charge, solubility, agglomeration, and aggregation state can have profound effects on a particle’s toxicological properties and interactions with biological systems. 在某些情况下,仔细选择材料可能会减少 hazard 的过程,同时保持 desired 纳米颗粒的性质和功能.

5. Procedures

5.1  Mandatory procedures

The Principal Investigator (PI) is responsible for ensuring that all lab workers are aware of the hazards associated with nanoparticles and are trained in proper handling and disposal methods. 下列工作做法应被视为强制性的:

    • The PI should review the appropriate Safety Data Sheet (SDS) and conduct a Risk Assessment before handling nanomaterials; more information on best practices appropriate for specific classes of materials is included in Section 5.2 below;
    • 所用纳米颗粒的SDS(s)必须易于获得(e).g.,纸质副本保存在实验室的档案中);
    • 如果可能的话,使用具有最小风险的纳米材料.g.使用液体悬浮液而不是干燥的纳米颗粒);
    • 确保SDS中规定的所有安全措施到位;
    • 评估所有可能发生的事件, from receiving to disposal, including equipment maintenance (such as regular replacement of any exhaust filter) and reasonably foreseeable emergencies;
    • If working with explosive or potentially explosive nanoparticles, eliminate ignition sources;
    • 所有工人在处理任何纳米物体后都应洗手, or before eating, drinking, smoking, or leaving the workplace;
    • 风险评估(e)中确定的适当个人防护装备.g., long lab coat with long sleeves and wrist covers of non-woven material; nitrile gloves; closed-toe shoes or slip-on overshoe booties) should be worn as a precaution unless installed containment measures have been proven sufficient; this may require use of a change room to prevent further contamination;
    • 处理液体时可能需要安全眼镜和/或面罩.

5.2  Recommended procedures

DHHS (NIOSH)已发布2018-103情况说明书(可在 http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2018-103/default.html),总结涉及干粉工作的最佳做法, 悬浮在液体中的纳米颗粒, 以及嵌入固体中的纳米颗粒. 北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校提供了 http://ehs.unc.edu/lab/nano/ a matrix of best laboratory practices in handling the same categories of materials plus dry powders or aerosols of parent materials with known toxicity or hazards. 应该考虑的一些具体的工作实践, 取决于纳米颗粒SDS的推荐值, include:

    • 如适用于有关材料, obtain a baseline medical evaluation by a qualified healthcare professional on each worker before 处理纳米颗粒并定期处理;
    • 审查NIOSH风险评估和TiO的建议暴露限值(rel)2 (currently REL = 300µg/m³), and carbon nanotubes (CNTs)/carbon nanofibers (CNFs) (currently REL = 1µg/m³; previously a higher value was used), both for airborne exposure, 以及NIOSH已完成风险评估的任何其他纳米颗粒;
    • General recommendations when the quantity of nanoparticles used is more than minimal include using flexible containment (plastic sleeves, continuous-feed bag liners), 低流量密封罩(通过HEPA过滤器排气), chemical fume hoods, 有机玻璃手套箱(通过HEPA过滤器排出), 手套箱隔离器和其他类型的隔离外壳, 实验室出口的粘性垫子(有脏的迹象时通常更换);
    • 如果空气暴露是一个潜在的问题,考虑安装空气采样监测器;
    • 考虑在负压环境下工作,并通过高效微粒过滤器过滤;
    • Ensure that HVAC systems cannot transfer significant quantities of nanomaterials to another lab, 采用适当的密闭及/或通风路线;
    • Remember that risk of faults such as leaks in containment equipment may increase the preventative measures routinely needed over what is minimally needed assuming equipment is operating correctly;
    • 当有吸入危险时,可能需要使用呼吸器.e., a breathing filter or “gas mask”; full-face is preferred over half-mask; N95 or P100 filter cartridges are effective, but medical-type masks are generally ineffective against nanoparticles); this requires fit-testing and medical clearance to wear a respirator. 联系安全和环境合规指导;
    • Contaminated and potentially contaminated surfaces and clothing should be cleaned using HEPA vacuum and/or wet wipes (compressed air or dry wipes are not recommended); alternatively, protective/disposable coverings may be used;
    • 在现场保持一个至少包含:路障胶带的防溅工具, nitrile gloves, full-face respirator, spill mats, disposable wipes, sealable plastic bags, sticky mat, HEPA-filtered vacuum, and spray bottle with DI water, surfactant, or alcohol.


在发生泄漏的情况下,不应使用压缩空气. A spill kit (see above) should be available at each location for use in case of an accidental spill. The effects of human exposure greater than the permitted respective RELs are currently not known in detail. In the case of major exposure it is therefore recommended to undergo medical evaluations to be compared against the baseline tests previously recorded.

5.4  Disposal procedures

Disposal of nano-objects into a sealed bag is typically recommended unless there are additional underlying hazards from the native material that require additional precautions.

6. Enforcement

本政策由安全及环境合规部执行. 不遵守规定可能导致相关活动和/或项目暂停. University faculty and staff will be subject to disciplinary action per Faculty Handbook or Staff Employee Handbook, respectively.

7. Related Documents

本安全政策是根据以下美国食品和药物管理局的报告总结而成的.S. 卫生与公众服务部, 疾病控制和预防中心, 国家职业安全与健康研究所, Cincinnati:

All these reports are in the public domain and permission is not needed to copy and distribute them. Further resources are:

世卫组织十大彩票网投平台保护工人免受人造纳米材料潜在风险的指导方针, Geneva: World Health Organization; 2017. Licence: CC BY-NC-SA 3.0igo, ISBN 978-92-4-155004-8(特别是pp. 43-62), available at http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/books/NBK525054/ 

“在使用纳米材料时控制对健康的危害”,辛辛那提,俄亥俄州:美国.S. 卫生与公众服务部, 疾病控制和预防中心, 国家职业安全与健康研究所, DHHS (NIOSH)出版物号2018-103, available at http://www.cdc.gov/niosh/docs/2018-103/default.html 

“纳米技术安全”,北卡罗来纳大学教堂山分校,可在 http://ehs.unc.edu/lab/nano/