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Policy No: 2046
Responsible Office: Human Resources
Last Review Date: 11/11/2022
Next Required Review: 11/11/2027
Policy No: 2046
Responsible Office: Human Resources
Last Review Date: 11/11/2022
Next Required Review: 11/11/2027

Layoff and Recall

1. Purpose


2. Applicability


3. Definitions

Externally Funded Position:  A position funded externally by sources other than a grant or contract, with a defined project scope and timeline.

FTE (Full-Time Equivalent):  The percentage of a full-time position routinely worked.

Grant/Contract Funded Position:  A position that is funded by a grant or contract.

Layoff:  A separation of employment due, but not limited to, 裁撤:由于资金短缺而必须取消的一个或多个职位, lack of work or a material change in the duties of the position, or an organizational change in a department or division.

Probationary Employee:  A staff employee who has not completed a probationary period, normally defined as the first six months of employment, but may be longer.

Recall:  员工被解雇后一年内在同一岗位上重新工作的行为.

Regular Employee:  An employee in a budgeted position.

Seniority Date:  The most recent date of hire as an employee without a break in service. Student employment is not applicable in determining seniority date.

Staff Employee:  非教员和非执行/行政/管理类职位的雇员.

Temporary Employee:  An employee in a non-budgeted position.

4. Policy Guidelines

预计裁员的部门必须在与受影响的员工进行任何沟通之前咨询人力资源部。. 未经部门主管和人力资源部事先书面批准,不得实施裁员.

Employees hired on or after September 10, 2004, in grant or contract funded positions, are excluded from the Layoff and Recall policy, 因为在赠款或合同结束日期之后,这些职位的资金不能得到保证. Effective August 1, 2008, 这一排除包括其他有明确项目范围和时间表的外部资助职位. 外部资助的职位必须由商务办公室核实,以确保资助类型.

When a layoff is anticipated, 该部门将确定工作和人员需求,并向其部门主管提供书面理由. 确定受裁员影响的员工的标准是基于对业务需求和任何新的组织结构的分析.

4.1  Steps to Determine Staff to be Laid Off

4.1.1  All decisions will be made on the basis of departmental needs. 裁员的定义是由于缺乏或消除资金而与就业分离, lack of work, redesign or elimination of position(s) or reorganization, 由于该职位本身被取消,该员工不可能被召回.

4.1.在任何情况下都不应利用解雇程序作为解决业绩不理想的手段. (注:这并不意味着在裁员过程中不能考虑业绩. See Section 4.1.4 below.)

4.1.在某一工作类别或某一部门的职能范围内需要裁减人员时, employees will be laid off in the following order:

      • Temporary Employees;
      • Probationary Employees;
      • Regular Employees.

4.1.4  Following an analysis of the business needs of a department, 以下步骤应用于确定将被取消的职位.

4.1.4.分析部门未来需要的工作职能以及将保留和取消的职位. 这一步骤完全基于职位的工作职能和单位或部门的业务需求.  Evaluation of the skills and qualifications of individual employees, 但只有当一个分类中有多个现任者被选择淘汰时.

In this multiple incumbent situation, one or more of the following factors may be considered in the assessment:

Skills and competencies - includes, but not limited to, the employees’ skills and competencies in the areas of analysis, effectiveness, execution, innovativeness, technical proficiency and business knowledge.

Performance -通过审查绩效评估和自上次绩效评估以来任何与绩效相关的记录文件来确定.

Seniority -根据受裁员影响的同一部门内同一类别雇员的大学就业情况确定. 对资历的审查是在员工在其他方面技能平等的情况下进行的, competencies, and performance. Seniority is based on the employee’s most recent date of hire. Department, for layoff purposes, is defined as a budgetary unit with a unique organizational (ORGN) number.

Human Resources will assist in the review process, evaluate performance criteria, and verify seniority.

4.1.4.人力资源部将审查有关已确定员工的管理决策,以确保符合所有大学政策. 员工将收到至少十(10)个工作日的书面通知, prepared by Human Resources, for distribution by each employee’s supervisor.

4.2  Separation or Department Transfer Requirements


University employees who are laid off, or who transfer to another department due to a pending layoff, must complete the Employment Separation/Department Transfer Checklist for Employees Form.

In addition, supervisors are required to complete the Employment Separation/Department Transfer Checklist for Supervisors Form.

4.3  Recall

如果员工被解雇,并已完成六个月的试用期, 该员工将有资格从人力资源部维护的名册中召回, 最后一个被解雇的员工是第一个被召回的员工. 被解雇的员工只有在同一部门有空缺的情况下才会被召回, 由被解雇日期起计六个月内,从事相同的全职工作及相同的职级. 接受召回的员工必须在部门规定的时间内上班,否则他们将被从召回名单中除名,不再有资格被召回. 被召回的员工将获得所有累积但未支付的员工福利. 被召回的员工不需要再服一段试用期.

已被解雇并希望被考虑在大学其他部门任职的员工, must apply for open positions. 接受另一个部门的职位将放弃被召回原职位的权利.

4.4  Probationary Period

调到其他部门的员工需要完成三个月的试用期. 被解雇和重新雇用的员工将被要求完成六个月的试用期. 新的试用期不适用于被召回的被解雇员工.

4.5  Filing for Unemployment

被解雇的员工可以向阿拉巴马州劳工部申请失业保险福利. For information call 1-866-361-4524 or visit 领取失业保险的资格将由阿拉巴马州劳工部决定.

5. Procedures

Not Applicable.

6. Enforcement


7. Related Documents

7.1  Employment Separation/Department Transfer Checklist for Employees Form
7.2  Employment Separation/Department Transfer Checklist for Supervisors Form
7.3  Staff Employee Handbook