

1. 目的

Appropriate and effective management of keys is essential for assuring a safe and secure learning environment for the faculty, 十大彩票网投平台的教职员工和学生. 这一政策确立了责任, 资格, 并获准携带大学钥匙, 基于个人角色的需求. 该大学的钥匙管理项目还包括维护当前的钥匙库存, 确保只有获得授权的人员才能进入大学的某些财产, 并确保从不再被授权进入大学财产的人那里收回钥匙. 更多信息可以在我们的网站上找到 密钥管理网站.

2. 适用性

This policy applies to anyone holding a University 发布 key (University General Division) including but not limited to: USA faculty, 工作人员, 管理员, 学生, vendors and contractors; also, 美国的一些卫生设施, 比如美国卫生独立急诊科, 和美国移动诊断中心-大学公共资源.

3. 定义

指定密钥请求人 – the designated employee within a department that enters key requests for all key recipients within the department and serves as the contact for questions related to access control. 

指定密钥请求审批人 -副校长,院长或部门负责人,作为部门的空间所有者.

关键的接受者 -员工收到新钥匙或更换钥匙.

4. 政策指导方针


所有访问建筑物的关键请求, 单个锁钥匙, or building master keys will be initiated by the 指定密钥请求人 in each area and approved by the 指定密钥请求审批人.


索取楼宇钥匙, the designated requestor should click 电子路由密钥请求 to enter a new key request using the format on the 请求者的指令 for all buildings with the exception of MSB and UCOM.  MSB and UCOM should complete a paper 关键申请表格(PDF) and email the completed form to keymanagement@hzjly.net. 


以电子方式提出申请, the 指定密钥请求审批人 will click on the link embedded in the email they receive from WebTMA to approve or reject a key request. 他们也可以单击WEBTMA来访问待处理的授权. 有关访问和批准/拒绝请求的更多信息,请参阅审批者说明. 对于纸质密钥请求, 关键要求必须得到相应部门主管的批准, 院长或副校长,并返回给指定的关键请求人提交.


一旦收到完全执行的密钥请求,将由设施维修车间处理. 注:设施维修车间保留拒绝批准任何钥匙的权利. Requests for multiple copies of the same key will not be granted unless approved by the Associate Vice President, 设施及建筑. A lost Key Fee of $25 per key must be paid by any USA key holder before the lost key replacement is approved. *见收费表第6节.

设施维修车间 will notify the key recipient within three (3) business days by email that their key is ready for pick up. 钥匙领取地点:

6120 USA Drive North, Mobile, AL 36688.

密钥只会被释放给密钥接收者. 在接机时,他/她必须提供一张美国照片1.D. 或者驾驶执照. 密钥将不会通过邮件发出. 钥匙将保留二十(20)个工作日.  Key recipient’s department will be charged after the 20 days if not picked up and a new request will need to be submitted to key management.


All keys referred to in this policy are the property of USA and are not to be duplicated by anyone other than the Facilities Maintenance Shop. 密钥的重复, 或者拥有未经授权的复制品, 可能导致纪律处分.


遗失钥匙必须立即向设施维修车间报告. 密钥请求必须由您所在地区的指定密钥请求人完成.  钥匙持有人将负责更换钥匙的费用. (见收费表第6节).  请将付款收据的副本通过电子邮件发送至keymanagement@southalabama.您可以在网上购买密钥更换处或学生会计办公室付款.

该部门将负责为丢失的钥匙可以打开的所有锁更换钥匙的费用 as well as replacement keys for other 工作人员.  钥匙管理人员将为该部门提供重新钥匙的报价, 为密钥输入工作订单,并请求需要替换密钥的员工列表.  门禁部门会联系相关部门安排一个日期,重新开启该区域的钥匙并发放替换钥匙. 由于钥匙丢失,美国警察局将收到不安全区域的通知.


Keys that are damaged should be brought to the Facilities Maintenance Shop by the authorized key holder with a Key Request Form. 获授权的持匙人如有适当的身份证明,可免费更换此匙.e. 美国身份证或驾驶执照. 如果损坏的密钥被丢弃而不归还,则该密钥将被视为丢失的密钥. 需要支付费用.


Temporary keys are those which will be utilized on either a short-term basis or a long-term basis to individuals such as outside University registered vendors or contractors who will need keys in order to perform their duties.  A temporary key may be 发布 on a short term basis to authorized persons only if the Key Request Form has been submitted and approved by the Department Head, 院长或副校长, 得到助理副总裁的最终批准, 设施及建筑.

NOTE: Access for vendors and/or contractors to buildings will be the responsibility of the department in charge of the contracted work.


Keys which are 发布 to student workers are required to have a key request submitted by the hiring department.  The student is required to return the keys to the Facilities Maintenance Shop at the end of their employment. 注:设施维修车间保留拒绝批准任何钥匙的权利.


Keys will be 发布 for the duration of the assistantship with responsibility equal to full-time University employees. Each faculty member is to submit a Key Request through the designated key requestor for their graduate assistant(s). 研究生助理必须亲自到设施维修车间领取并签收钥匙. 如果研究生助理的身份发生变化,他/她不再有权拥有钥匙, 钥匙应交回设施维修车间.  注:设施维修车间保留拒绝批准任何钥匙的权利.


Maintenance requests for lock changes will be submitted to Facilities Maintenance Shop via the WebTMA 电子路由密钥请求 system. Rekey请求将遵循与key请求相同的审批流程.  请求应该指明该区域, 锁(年代), 访问级别, 以及所请求的锁更改的原因. 设施维修车间 will make the determination as to the appropriateness of implementing the lock change. 上诉应向主管设施和建筑的助理副总裁提出.  

Emergency lock changes will be coordinated by the requesting department and Facilities Maintenance Shop with all supporting documentation.

更换锁后的密钥颁发将遵循本文所述的相同程序. 如果整个部门/大楼被重置, 所有钥匙必须交回设施维修车间. 设施维修车间 will make arrangements for delivery of replacement keys and pickup of old keys.



6120 USA Drive North, Mobile, AL 36688.

所有钥匙必须归还给设施维修车间 when an employee transfers to another department or leaves University employment. 不允许在部门内部重新发放密钥. 只有在功能需要时才会发出密钥, not for convenience; when individual’s function changes, 在发布新密钥之前,必须返回旧密钥.


搬入其他大楼/部门的个人必须将所有钥匙归还给设施维修车间. 参见上面的步骤. The employee will also need to follow the same procedures as stated above regarding “Issuance of Keys” for new building/department; please note that new keys will not be 发布 until all current keys have been returned, 除非事先得到相应部门主管的批准. 

4.4.2 .终止雇佣关系

钥匙仍然是大学的财产.  所有钥匙必须归还给设施维修车间. 请参阅第4节.4返回Key以获取更多信息. 如未能归还所有钥匙,将由钥匙持有人负责更换, 以及对适用区域进行密钥重置, 如果有必要的话. 如果在雇佣关系结束前没有支付, 适用的费用将从支付给密钥持有者的最后款项中扣除. 如果由于某种原因这些措施不起作用, 如有需要,本署会收取更换及更换钥匙的费用.


如果整个部门搬迁到一个新的区域, 所有钥匙必须交回设施维修车间. 一旦新区域的钥匙可用, 设施维修车间将安排送货/领取钥匙. 部门调动须事先通知.



您是否需要在正常营业时间之前/之后进入建筑物, 你必须通知你的院长或系主任才能进入大楼. Requests should not be made to University Police Department or University Security Systems Technician/Locksmith.


如果建筑物有外部门电子卡访问, 外门的钥匙只发给大学警察局, 锁匠, Department Head and those individuals explicitly charged with the responsibility of opening and locking the building’s exterior doors as provided in the Access Control policy. 安装后刷卡进入, issuance of exterior door keys will be limited to two (2) per department unless circumstances require otherwise and will only be 发布 to the Dean or Department Head.

4.5.3 .保管柜, 机械, 电, 和信息技术服务(ITS)电信室

These are secured spaces that are accessible to those individuals charged with Facilities Maintenance responsibilities. 除非得到助理副总裁的批准,否则不会为这些空间颁发其他钥匙, 设施及建筑.


All requests for padlocks and padlock keys (University 发布 padlocks) must be submitted via Padlock Request Form. 这些钥匙和锁的所有记录将由设施维修车间保存. 申请部门将收取所需材料的费用. 只有大学发放的和有钥匙的挂锁可以安装在大学的门和/或大门上. 所有非美国挂锁将被移除.  


需要所有宿舍的钥匙, 发布, 控制, 由住房部维护和盘点. 住房部将在每学期结束时进行一次关键审计,以核实库存.

5. 程序

以下是要采取的步骤, 按照给定的顺序, 获得进入办公室的钥匙, 房间, 建筑物或其他空间, 履行职责的:履行工作职责所必需的:

  • 指定密钥请求者请求密钥;
  • 指定密钥请求审批人批准密钥请求;
  • 当钥匙准备好后,设施维修车间给钥匙接收人发电子邮件;
  • 密钥接收者拿起密钥并为密钥签名.

6. 执行

遗失钥匙或未能归还所有钥匙将由钥匙持有人负责更换, 以及对适用区域进行密钥重置. 如果在雇佣关系结束前没有支付, 适用的费用将从支付给密钥持有者的最后款项中扣除. 如果由于某种原因这些措施不起作用, 该部门将收取更换钥匙的费用. 该部门将负责为丢失的钥匙可以打开的所有锁更换钥匙的费用.



7. 相关文档

7.1  电子路由密钥请求
7.2  请求者的指令
7.4  赞同者指令
7.5  关键申请表格(PDF)
7.6  购买密钥更换
7.7  密钥退回收据
7.8  密钥管理网站