

1. 目的

The purpose of this document is to ensure that the University community is compliant with the National Science Foundation (NSF) policy requirements on sexual harassment and other forms or harassment, 以及大学希望如何执行代理通知要求.

The 十大彩票网投平台 is committed to establishing and maintaining an environment free from all forms of harassment and sexual misconduct. 2018年2月8日,美国国家科学基金会发布重要通知No . 8. 144. The notice communicates that the 研究 community has obligations to fully investigate complaints of sexual or other harassment and compliance with federal nondiscrimination law. 10月21日生效, 2018, NSF实施了一个新的条款和条件, 第十条:性骚扰的通知要求, 其他形式的骚扰, 或性侵犯.

2. 适用性

这项政策适用于nsf资助的研究人员, 研究和经济发展办公室, 赞助项目管理, 研究、遵守和保证办公室, 人力资源部和教育法第九条办公室.

The policy and procedures address the expectations of the University in implementation of the NSF agency notifications requirements, 适用于:

  • 所有拨款人员(项目负责人、共同项目负责人角色触发报告要求);
  • 所有进行拨款和相关工作的地点(包括会议), 研讨会, 领域的网站, 校内和校外研究设施, 在线);
  • The new term and condition will be applied to new NSF awards and funding amendments to existing awards made on or after October 21, 2018.

3. 定义


行政休假或行动: PI或副PI的任何临时/临时停职或永久撤职, or any administrative action imposed on the PI or co-PI by the awardee under organizational policies or codes of conduct, 法规, 规定, 或者行政命令, 有关活动, 包括但不限于:教学, 建议, 指导, 研究, 管理/管理职责, 或者出现在校园.

寻找/确定: The final disposition of a matter involving sexual harassment or other form of harassment under organizational policies and processes, 包括由私家侦探或副私家侦探行使的所有可容许的上诉, 或者在刑事法庭上被判有性犯罪.

4. 政策指导方针


大学, 以及适用的大学社区成员, 负责维护无骚扰的研究工作场所, 通过以下流程:

      • 建立和维持明确的行为标准;
      • 为所有人员建立通知机制, 包括学生, 不论工作地点;
      • 提供明显和方便的方法来报告违规行为, 包括当员工参加会议时的报告, 研讨会, 现场工作, 或其他研究设施;
      • 确保机构尽职调查,及时调查指控并采取纠正措施.


4.2.以一种不受骚扰的方式行事, which includes performance of University related or sponsored 研究 activities on and off University premises.

4.2.2  Adhere to sponsored 研究 conferences codes-of-conduct that address sexual harassment and 其他形式的骚扰.


4.2.符合NSF的要求, Investigators considering hosting or organizing an NSF-funded conference should contact 赞助项目管理 for information and support in the development of policy or code-of-conduct that addresses sexual and 其他形式的骚扰 to be disseminated to conference participants.



    • It places a PI / Co-PI on administrative leave related to an investigation of an alleged violation or a finding/determination demonstrating a violation of awardee policies or codes of conduct, 法规, 规定, 或者与性骚扰有关的行政命令, 其他形式的骚扰, 或者性侵犯;
    • It imposes any administrative action on a PI / Co-PI related to an investigation of an alleged violation or a finding/determination demonstrating a violation of awardee policies or codes of conduct, 法规, 规定, 或者与性骚扰有关的行政命令, 其他形式的骚扰, 或者性侵犯;
    • It issues a finding/determination regarding a PI / Co-PI demonstrating a violation of awardee policies or codes of conduct, 法规, 规定, 或者与性骚扰有关的行政命令, 其他形式的骚扰, 或者性侵犯.

The 十大彩票网投平台 must report as a direct recipient or as a sub-recipient of an NSF award that includes the term. The 十大彩票网投平台 must also submit the report to NSF within ten (10) business days from the placement of a subject on administrative leave, 行政行为的实施, 或作出裁定/裁定的日期. The report submissions will be initiated by the 研究和经济发展办公室 based on information provided by the Office of Compliance or the Office of Human 资源.



    • 启动PI / Co-PI的替换;
    • 减少奖助金数额,或者性侵害;
    • 暂停或终止裁决.

4.5 NSF注意事项

在国家科学基金会审查的过程中, the following aspects of University compliance with this policy will be taken into account for their conclusions:

    • 国家科学基金会资助人员的安全和保障;
    • 对nsf资助活动的总体影响;
    • 继续推进纳税人对科学和科学家的投资;
    • Whether the awardee has taken appropriate action(s) to ensure continuity of science and that continued progress can be made under funded project.

5. 程序

The 十大彩票网投平台 has processes supportive of the NSF notification requirements to comply with the grant term and conditions regarding sexual harassment, 其他形式的骚扰, 或者性侵犯. 为符合这些规定,程序将包括以下步骤:

5.1  人力资源部办公室或第九条办公室收到性骚扰指控的报告, 其他形式的骚扰, 或者性侵犯, 按照NSF要求的定义.

5.2  An investigation of the allegation is conducted in accordance with the applicable University investigatory or disciplinary procedures. 视指控的性质而定, 涉及性骚扰的调查将由第九条办公室领导, 而其他形式的骚扰则由人力资源部负责.

5.3  视情况而定, 之前, 在, 或者在调查之后, 个人(被申请人)可能被给予行政休假或受到行政处分.

5.4  如对答辩人作出裁定/裁定, the Office of Human 资源 Dept or Title IX Office will screen the list of NSF-funded investigators provided by 研究、遵守和保证办公室 to determine if the PI /Co-PI is on an NSF-funded award/ subaward. 筛查将在作出发现/决定时进行.

5.4.1  The appropriate administrative office will send an email informing the 研究、遵守和保证办公室 of the administration action / finding.

5.5  如果行政休假或行动被施加, the Office of Human 资源 Dept or Title IX Office (dependent on the nature of the allegation) will screen the list of NSF- funded investigators provided by 研究、遵守和保证办公室 to determine if the respondent is a PI /Co-PI on an NSF-funded award / sub-award. 筛选将在行政休假或采取行动时进行.

5.5.1  A listing of NSF-funded investigators/co-investigators will be provided at the direct request of the appropriate administrative office via email.

5.6  The Office of Compliance and Assurance will submit the required information specified in NSF requirements to the 研究和经济发展办公室.

5.7  研究和经济发展办公室负责向美国国家科学基金会提交通知, 哪一项应在行政许可/诉讼或裁定/裁定之日起10个工作日内到期, 按照NSF的要求.

5.8  当大学是NSF奖励的次级奖励或非牵头机构时, 通知将直接发送给NSF, 根据目前的NSF指南. 然而, the University may also communication with the prime awardee as necessary or appropriate under the circumstances.

5.9  研究和经济发展办公室将根据需要与国家科学基金会和其他适当的办公室合作, with the primary goals of ensuring the safety and security of other award personnel and the continued progress of the funded project. 可能需要采取的行动包括但不限于:

    • 更换PI或Co-PI;
    • 审查奖项的开支;
    • 必要时,将不允许的费用转出奖金.

6. 执行

大学 will take appropriate administrative actions against individuals when an allegation of sexual or other form of harassment has been substantiated.

7. 相关文档

