Policy No: 2099
Last Review Date: 08/07/2023
Policy No: 2099
Last Review Date: 08/07/2023


1. Purpose

十大彩票网投平台, USA HealthCare Management, LLC, and the USA Healthcare Authority (USA Employer Group) strive to protect its employees from undue financial hardship resulting from qualified job-related injuries, illnesses, or disabilities. 阿拉巴马州的《十大彩票网投平台》不适用于美国雇主组织. The University’s On-theJob Injury Program will cover employees’ approved medical expenses and lost wages incurred as a result of an on-the-job injury (OJI).

2. Applicability

All of the USA Employer Group employees (both University General Division and USA Health) are eligible for benefits provided by the OJI program, including:

  • 全职及兼职雇员;
  • Temporary workers employed by the University of South Alabama General Division and USA Health; and
  • 学生雇员(受伤必须发生在作为大学雇员的工作过程和职责范围内).

OJI项目不为志愿者提供福利, independent contractors, 或受雇于美国雇主集团以外的工人.

OJI的所有索赔都由大学的第三方管理人员(TPA)进行赔偿调查。. 福利资格是基于就业状况和是否受伤, illness, and/or disability results from an incident arising “out of and in the course and scope of employment” with the USA Employer Group.

3. Definitions


4. Policy Guidelines


5. Procedures

5.1  Application Process

An Accident/Incident Report must be completed within 72 hours of the worksite incident for you to be considered for OJI benefits. 由于这个原因,工地上发生的事故应该立即报告给你的主管. 如果报告没有在事故/事件发生之日起72小时内提交, 索赔被认为是可赔偿的, no medical or indemnity benefits will be paid for any costs incurred related to the accident/injury prior to the reporting date. 

Accident/Incident Reporting.

USA Health employees: must complete an accident/incident report via RL6 located within the USA Health employee intranet.

5.2  Medical Treatment

如果你在工作时间在工作地点受了重伤, 我们将安排您在大学医院急诊室接受治疗. If time is of the essence, 根据伤势的严重程度, 该员工可能会被送往最近的急诊室.

University General Division employees: If you sustain an injury that is not serious enough to warrant emergency room treatment, 并且你希望被大学考虑获得OJI的福利, 你必须到美国学生健康中心报到, for treatment. 你必须带一份完整的 员工工伤初始医疗转诊表.

美国卫生工作者:如果你受到的伤害不够严重,不需要急诊室治疗, 并且你希望被大学考虑获得OJI的福利, 你必须到员工健康诊所报到, 或房屋主管(正常营业时间以外).

Additional medical treatment, 大学综合部门和美国卫生部门的雇员, 获得了美国工业医学诊所的授权.

如果你是在OJI计划下休假, 美国雇主组织要求在复职前提供适合工作的证明. 如果你指定的医生建议你不能返回工作岗位, 你必须按照部门的出勤程序向主管报告你的缺勤情况.

5.3  OJI Benefit Duration

The OJI program will provide Wage Replacement benefits for a maximum of 180 calendar days from the date of the incident, 无论何时寻求治疗.


被终止雇佣的雇员(自愿或非自愿), after the incident, 在雇佣终止日期后没有资格领取“补领工资”福利. 收到的医疗费用将继续达到最大医疗改善(MMI).

5.4  Waiting Period

工伤/事故当天的任何时间,将作为行政假支付. 受伤/事故发生后的头三天被视为等待期, 在此期间不支付任何损失的工资福利. 员工可以要求使用可用的病假, vacation, or PTO, as applicable, during this waiting period. 累积的病假,假期或PTO将不被恢复. 员工也可以选择在这段时间不领工资. 如果TPA确定损伤, illness, 或残疾有资格享受OJI计划的福利, OJI计划将从第五天开始补偿损失的工资.

5.5  Wage Replacement Benefit

自工伤事故发生后的第五个公历日起计算, OJI计划将按员工正常工资的66.2%支付工资福利, which shall not exceed the annually adjusted weekly maximum wage established by the Alabama Department of Industrial Relations. 兼职员工将根据他们的全职工作时间获得按比例分配的工资替代福利.

雇员可以累积病假补充66 2/3% OJI工资替代福利, vacation, or PTO, as applicable, 达到员工正常工资的100%. 员工必须通知他们的主管, 提交请假申请表(见第7节的链接), below), 他们希望用累积休假来补充OJI福利. In no event shall a combination of OJI benefit and supplemental time exceed 100% of an employee’s regular base rate of pay. Sick leave, vacation, 或用于补充OJI工资替代福利的PTO将不会恢复. 这笔款项通过大学的薪资办公室发放, and normal payroll deductions, 比如雇员保险金和联邦保险金, and state taxes will continue.


如果你预计你将在90天内无法重返工作岗位, you are required to begin an application for benefits under the University’s LTD insurance program at least 45 days prior to the 90th day on leave. 公司福利将支付员工基本工资的60%.

因为这项福利将从LTD TPA直接支付给员工, 员工将负责按员工费率直接支付员工福利保费. 保险费不迟于每月25日支付,以维持下个月的保险. Please make your check or money order payable to the University of South Alabama and submit your payments to the Payroll Office, TRP Bldg. III, Suite 1300.

员工不得以病假补充公司工资替代福利, vacation, or PTO, as applicable.

5.7  Reimbursement of Expenses

OJI的所有索赔都由大学的第三方管理人员(TPA)进行赔偿调查。. 有个人资金支付证明的员工可以报销符合条件的费用. 一旦雇员从他/她的指定医生的照顾中解脱出来, 除非索赔理算人批准后续护理,否则大学将停止支付所有款项.


5.8  Leave of Absence

如果OJI造成的时间损失超过两个日历周, 该员工将被安排家庭病假或事假, 如果符合条件,如适用, 追溯至事件发生之日. 休假和OJI计划休假将同时运行,不会一个接一个地“堆叠”. The employee and the supervisor are responsible for submitting a new leave of absence request form to Human Resources to verify the employees’ eligibility and identify status.

大学一般部门雇员, the Human Resources Employee Health and Wellness Office will monitor the status of employees who are unable to work as a result of an OJI.

For USA Health employees, 员工健康诊所将监测因OJI而无法工作的员工的状况.


This section provides information relating to an employee’s ability to return to work after experiencing an injury, illness, 或因OJI而致残. Employees who are released to return to work on a regular or reduced schedule basis but with temporary job restrictions, 有医学证据支持, 是否有资格获得本节定义的修改后的职务分配.

部门主管或指定人员, 经人力资源部同意, 有医学证据支持, 是否可以临时指派该员工执行某些修改后的工作任务. The goal of this program is to enable employees to continue using skills and abilities temporarily limited by injury, illness, 或者在有修改的任务分配时残疾. 本规定适用于任何暂时受伤的员工, illness, 或因OJI而致残 that prevents him/her from performing his/her full duties or meeting the minimum standards established for his/her position.

如果雇员不能返回工作岗位, 雇主可依据"医疗保健提供者证明"表格中所载的信息, if applicable and available, 确定适当的后续步骤. An employee must adhere to any restrictions noted on the fit-for-duty certificate provided by his/her physician.

修改任务是一项任务, 这是一个特定的和有限的时期, that fulfills a necessary job function appropriate to the employee’s skills and level of experience and that the employee can perform without violating any medical restriction imposed on him/her as a result of an OJI. It is the employer’s responsibility to determine whether a modified duty assignment is appropriate for an employee. 在修改任务分配期间, 雇员按其正常的工资和福利水平获得补偿.

修改任务分配不是一个权利问题. The number, availability, and duration of such assignments are limited by departmental needs as defined by the department head or his/her designee. If restrictions, 如适合当值医生的证明或“医疗服务提供者证明”表格所述, 是决定要永久的吗, 该员工不符合修改职责分配的资格.


    • The date the employee is released to his/her regular schedule with no restrictions as evidenced on the fit-for-duty physician’s note;
    • The date the physician determines the employee has permanent restrictions; or
    • 雇员无正当理由未进行规定的体检的日期.

Assignment to a modified duty assignment does not in any way create a right for the employee to occupy that or any other position on a regular basis. 在修改后的任务分配结束时, 如果雇员不能不受限制地返回工作岗位, 他/她可能会被安排休假, as applicable.

无论是否提供合理的住宿或调整工作岗位,员工都无法返回全部工作岗位, 如果他/她的部门不能接受, 是否会被告知现有的残疾项目并可能被解雇.


The University is committed to nondiscrimination and employment of qualified individuals with physical and mental disabilities in accordance with the Rehabilitation Act of 1973 (Section 504), 美国残疾人法案(ADA), 《十大彩票平台官网》(ADAAA), 以及州和地方的法律法规. 大学的出勤政策取决于ADA和ADAAA规定的合理住宿要求.

要求住宿是员工的责任. 工作场所住宿的要求将要求员工完成大学的 员工住宿申请 表格(点击链接获取更多信息),并提交给人力资源部审核. The University may require written documentation of the employee’s limitations from an appropriate health care provider. 如果获得这些信息是必要的, 将向员工提供一份医疗问询表,供医疗保健提供者填写. 一旦所需的文件被审查和批准, the University will engage in the interactive process with the employee in seeking the availability of a reasonable accommodation.

如果工作场所住宿的要求被批准, implementation of the accommodation will be handled by the employee’s department with guidance provided by Human Resources. The employee who has been granted a workplace accommodation must report changes in the ongoing need for the accommodation.


如果你想要赔偿损失的工资, property damages, and/or medical expenses not paid by the On-The-Job Injury Program you must file a claim with the State Board of Adjustment (“BOA”). The BOA will determine if you qualify for additional OJI compensation based upon an investigation of the incident conducted by University officials. BOA程序和索赔表格可在以下网址查阅:

索赔必须在事件发生之日起一年内提交给美国银行, 不管你什么时候发生了与事故相关的费用. 如果您认为您可能会在一年的截止日期后产生与事件相关的费用, 你应该在一年的期限之前提交一份美国银行索赔表, 注意到所报销的费用“有待确定”.” It is not the responsibility of the University to remind you of the one-year time limit for filing a claim with the BOA.

6. Enforcement

包括解决合理的住宿问题, safety/direct threat, and undue hardship issues.

7. Related Documents

7.1  USA Accident/Incident Report
7.2  员工工伤初始医疗转诊表
7.3  阿拉巴马州调整委员会-索赔表格
7.4  专利商标局请假申请表 (USA Health)
7.5  请假申请表 (大学总务科)